Your future.
Our mission.

eJump aims to provide outstanding web design, web development and mobile app solutions to clients from all over the world and a top notch work environment for its team.


Work with us
With over 600 successful projects, we are ready to fuel your growth.


Join us
eJump is all about the team. Hit us up to see the vibe for yourself.

Client solutions

Build the best with eJump

With over 15 years of growth, we cater to a wide range of needs and an extensive selection of clients:

Our Past Missions

  • Nutella
  • Faurecia
  • Videvo
  • KFC
  • Prime Kapital
  • Autonom
  • Vodafone

solutions for
your business

Some of our clients "accuse" us of dabbling in magic, as we sometimes seem to do the impossible. We listen to your business or service ideas and generate a qualitative online eperience, whatever it takes. We do that using a few tried and true tools but are not afraid of uncharted paths.

Missions suited for your needs

Media Agencies

Our creative character and our past partnerships with several ad and media agencies have given us significant insight into sector-specific business needs.

  • Making creativity central to our designs
  • Rapid decision making
  • Fast turnaround, simplifying interactions with third party clients
mission icons mission icons mission icons

Small & Medium Businesses

Starting off as a small company ourselves, we are uniquely positioned to understand the struggles and needs of emerging enterprises.

  • Fast decision making and rapid communication
  • Limiting the number of management layers and reducing overhead costs
  • Constructive but honest in our feedback
mission animation mission animation mission animation mission animation
mission animation mission animation mission animation mission animation


Our extensive portfolio of industries and service providers has made us suited to working with large, process-driven enterprises.

  • The provision of experienced and skilled staff
  • Transparent, reliable, professional processes
  • Deep understanding of client needs, especially for third-party communication
mission animation icons mission animation icons mission animation icons mission animation icons

Clients. Clients. Clients.

Operating as a bespoke development company for over 15 years, our clientele ranges from startups to medium and large enterprises. Our team works exceptionally well to adapt to the varying working styles and business needs of our clients.

logo Autonom

„Rather than telling you how we’ve worked with eJump, I’d tell you how much we decided to trust them with our online presence. Almost all of our apps, websites and the integration between them is done by eJump, and I have to say it has never been easier to manage our e-presence”


Explore the Case Study arrow right


logo Prime Kapital

“People these days are bombarded with information left, right and centre. We have a compelling offer for our would-be customers, but we wanted each of our project websites to tell a visual story that a potential buyer can “read” in seconds. I think eJump delivered.”

Prime Kapital

Explore the Case Study arrow right

Explore our missions

We take pride in over 600 completed projects throughout our 18 years of activity. Each has challenged us in unique ways, and has given us the space to grow, to explore and to enhance our craft. We look forward to the future with the confidence of an explorer.

Explore our projects

  • .next
  • node modules
  • public
  • src
    • License
    • index.js
    • package.json

import Document, { Head, Html, Main, NextScript } from 'next/document'

import { ServerStyleSheet } from 'styled-components'

let appColor = orange// input color name

export default class MyDocument extends Document {

static async getInitialProps(ctx) {

const sheet = new ServerStyleSheet()

const originalRenderPage = ctx.renderPage

try {

ctx.renderPage = () =>


enhanceApp: (App) => (props) =>

sheet.collectStyles(<App {...props} />),


const initialProps = await Document.getInitialProps(ctx)

return {


styles: (









explore image

Why did they choose us?

Web design & web development one stop shop for your online needs, where we approach your project as one of our own.

Established Business

We are an established business with 30+ employees.

Honest Dedication

We're always there for you, whether we deliver good news or bad.


A team of brilliant, creative people familiar with the latest trends in the media landscape.

Long History

Have a long history in working with a diverse range of businesses.


We aim towards an in-depth exploration of our partners' business needs.

Ease of Communication

Fast turnaround and ease of communication.

Continuous Improvement

Continuous improvement of processes and communication.

All your technological requirements in one place

Leverage the latest development technologies for your project. Future proof your software development initiative.

  • PHP
  • React
  • Magento
  • Wordpress
  • Javascript
  • Node.Js
  • Phaser 3

See how we use some of these technologies to deliver quality solutions for our clients.

See our Case Studies

Thank you for taking the time to read through this looong page

If you made it this far, loved what you saw and are interested in working with us, please drop a line. We would love to talk to you and, as we said before: we're real friendly.