We are now
SmartWe Certified!

We are excited to announce that we have achieved certification with SmartWe for the use, sale and integration of their innovative CRM+AIA® platform. This certification underscores our commitment to providing high quality customer relationship management services, leveraging SmartWe’s cutting-edge technology to enhance your business operations and to promote sustainable practices.


Quality CRM+AIA® solution

SmartWe goes beyond the traditional CRM in that it integrates augmented intelligence Assistants. It feeds into our ethos of simplifying the life of our customers.

Enhanced CRM capabilities

The use of SmartWe’s CRM+AIA® allows for simplified contact management, centralized document storage, a team calendar and introduces a Sales Opportunity Assistant.

Easy integration and support

Now that we are certified to work with SmartWe, we can better support our own customers in integrating the platform within their business.

Offer expert help

We can now answer your questions about the SmartWe experience from both technical and practical points of view.

How SmartWe
works in practice


SmartWe’s CRM solution is geared towards facilitating sales and simplifying internal management within your company. It is easy to use and technically advanced.


It enables simplified contact management, central document storage and a team calendar. It empowers teams to work better.


Intelligent assistants, such as the Sales Opportunity Assistant makes SmartWe proactive in helping your business. They do some of your work proactively.


fair.digital hosting in a German cloud environment offers both the protection conferred by EU law and mitigates any environmental toll when using cloud-based solutions.


By using environmentally friendly and ethical hosting practices, your sustainability goals, including those linked to ESRS reporting, remain in place.


For more information about SmartWe, visit the official website.

See how SmartWe works and how it can help you.

If you would like to learn more about SmartWe, try some of the video presentations, demos and trail packages available.

Here is a brief video detailing what SmartWe represents.

A brief Romanian-language demo is available here.

If you want to start using SmartWe today, please feel free to register for the Starter, Team or Premium packages.

Get Started

How we work

The eJump task force.

What we care most about is to always keep and respect our core values:

Respect, which means high quality work and excellent customer service for our clients and also a friendly and inspiring working environment at eJump. We aim for gratitude and balance in our team and raving fans instead of merely clients.

Passion, which stands for real commitment for well-made things. We offer diverse and simple solutions to our clients with the help of a team who always has the freedom of choosing to do what they love most.

Find out more about us

Honest Communication

which implies transparency in all our communication.


which means constructive attitudes and openness.


which stands for real commitment for well-made things.

Key roles in our
project workflow

  • Project Manager manager-icon
  • Business Analyst analyst-icon
  • Designer designer-icon
  • Client
  • Developer developer-icon
  • Tester tester-icon

We develop web applications for any device and platform of your choice vice and platform of your choice.

Explore our missions

We take pride in over 600 completed projects throughout our 18 years of activity. Each has challenged us in unique ways, and has given us the space to grow, to explore and to enhance our craft. We look forward to the future with the confidence of an explorer.

Explore our projects

  • .next
  • node modules
  • public
  • src
    • License
    • Readme.md
    • index.js
    • package.json

import Document, { Head, Html, Main, NextScript } from 'next/document'

import { ServerStyleSheet } from 'styled-components'

let appColor = orange// input color name

export default class MyDocument extends Document {

static async getInitialProps(ctx) {

const sheet = new ServerStyleSheet()

const originalRenderPage = ctx.renderPage

try {

ctx.renderPage = () =>


enhanceApp: (App) => (props) =>

sheet.collectStyles(<App {...props} />),


const initialProps = await Document.getInitialProps(ctx)

return {


styles: (









explore image

Why did they choose us?

Web design & web development one stop shop for your online needs, where we approach your project as one of our own.

Established Business

We are an established business with 30+ employees.

Honest Dedication

We're always there for you, whether we deliver good news or bad.


A team of brilliant, creative people familiar with the latest trends in the media landscape.

Long History

Have a long history in working with a diverse range of businesses.


We aim towards an in-depth exploration of our partners' business needs.

Ease of Communication

Fast turnaround and ease of communication.

Continuous Improvement

Continuous improvement of processes and communication.

All your technological requirements in one place

Leverage the latest development technologies for your project. Future proof your software development initiative.

  • PHP
  • React
  • Magento
  • Wordpress
  • Javascript
  • Node.Js
  • Phaser 3

See how we use some of these technologies to deliver quality solutions for our clients.

See our Case Studies

Have a question? Wondering about prices? Want to know if we can
do something for you?

We might be exploring new Galaxies or preparing to fend off an alien invasion, but we’re always an email away.

Are you looking for a reliable partner for your web design agency? Do you need a smashing website that will make your competitors afraid of going out of business? How about a mobile app? We love our work and are eager to talk to you, show off our skills and our portfolio. Drop us a line. We’re guaranteed to reply and we’re real friendly too.

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